The Library

Our Library has over 40,000 bibliographic resources. With online access available from home, our users are able to view and download information resources including journals, ebooks, audiobooks and over 25 subscription services. Fiction and non-fiction are also available on the School’s  Digital Library platform, which provides membership to a diverse range of over 4,500 ebooks and audiobooks that can be downloaded to personal devices.

The Library’s resources have an important function at the School, with each resource carefully and ethically selected to stimulate the scholastic requirements of the school community and to support intellectual enquiry, learning and thought. Regular promotional displays and reading lists inspire a questioning and independent approach to learning and pupils are encouraged to exploit the full range of resources the Library has to offer, as well as the information skills required for effective inquiry.

The Library is housed in a suite of historic rooms on the first floor of Ashburnham House. Staff and pupils alike can be found enjoying this beautiful facility throughout the school day and into the evenings, as it provides a calm, yet stimulating place to study and reflect.

The Library is open 8.30am to 9.00pm during the school week and 8.30am to 1.15pm on Saturdays. It is staffed by three professional librarians and one experienced senior library assistant.

"I love spending time in the library - it's such a great place to catch up with work in a calm and pleasant environment - and the library staff are really helpful too!"

— Alex, Year 12 Pupil

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The Library is staffed by two full-time professional Librarians and two part-time Senior Library Assistants and it is open 8.30am – 9.00pm during the week and 8.30am – 1.15pm on Saturdays.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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