Haroun (Secretary-General)

Security Council
Year Group
Year 13
A-level Subjects
Biology, Chemistry, Maths, RS

More about Haroun (Secretary-General)

Hello! I’m Haroun and I’m the other Y13 Secretary-General of MUN here at Westminster. Having started MUN in year 9, I’ve always appreciated how interesting, fun and useful it is to talk about a range of political, ethical, economic and scientific issues that you find genuinely interesting. I’m a big believer in MUN being for everyone as opposed to it being seen as only for ‘humanities/social science’ takers – and hopefully, during this conference, we can see that in action! Outside of MUN, I am hoping to read medicine at university, which I hope allows me to work in the fields of pain physiology and behavioural neuroscience. Usually however, you’ll find me desperate for another hour of sleep, trying to find time to practice my guitar or downing my third mocha of the day. Regardless, I will be delighted to meet each and every person involved in making WESMUN happen and even if you feel unconfident at first, I hope the event (and of course the people in it) will be enjoyable nonetheless.

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