The aim of RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) and Wellbeing at Westminster is to provide all pupils with a holistic curriculum that transcends individual lessons, enabling valuable messages to become a part of whole-school life, supporting pupils into adulthood. To achieve this goal, all pupils follow a spiral curriculum, designed so that important themes outlined in the statutory guidance Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (DfE, 2020), our RSE policy and beyond are revisited throughout a pupil’s time at Westminster: key messages are reinforced and built upon each year at developmentally appropriate stages.
The curriculum is divided into three main themes:
- Health and Wellbeing – puberty, mental health, resilience, keeping active, and healthy eating.
- Relationships – respectful and healthy relationships (both on- and off-line), kindness and sex education.
- Living in the Wider World – career planning, financial literacy and exploring our rights and responsibilities.
Our aim is to help pupils to:
- respect differences of attitudes and opinions;
- challenge discrimination and stereotypes;
- develop resilience to be able to recover from setbacks and challenging periods in their lives;
- build the capacity to forge positive relationships in their lives;
- understand intimacy, including romantic and sexual intimacy;
- know how to access support and advice around all aspects of health (sexual, mental or physical);
- have a basic understanding of the law (including the Equality Act 2010) as relates to relationships, consent and sexual activity.
- understand the reasons for delaying sexual experience and for any sexual activity to be protected;
- have an understanding of STIs;
- have knowledge of contraception;
- avoid being pressured into unwanted sexual activity;
- use social media appropriately, lawfully and positively;
- manage strong feelings (including those of sexual attraction);
- develop a support network of reliable friends and adults.
Delivery of timetabled lessons for all year groups is taught by teachers who have on-going professional development training across a range of topics which fall under the aegis of RSHE, and who are also experienced teachers of other subjects at Westminster. Class sizes for these lessons are kept modest in size (usually 10 to 15 pupils), in order to allow for discussion and to foster an even more approachable setting given the nature of the subject.
The content of the lessons is created by two leads (one for the Upper School and one for the Lower School), each of whom tailors resources to be age appropriate for each year group, in line with the topics on the spiral curriculum. Pupil feedback from surveys conducted at the end of each half term also helps to ensure that content and topics help to fill any gaps in knowledge and tackle misconceptions across themes. These resources are then disseminated to those allocated to teach the course across the School.
The delivery of material is also supplemented by external providers throughout the course of the academic year, as well as supported through tutorial time. The Head of Wellbeing and the Heads of Year liaise to ensure that tutorial material is appropriate and in line with the spiral curriculum for each given year group. The Heads of Year in turn ensure that their tutor team is well equipped to deliver follow-up content. This allows for a multifaceted approach to the delivery of the same topic, allowing for reflection and more opportunity to discuss with a plethora of different staff members.
Contact the Head of Wellbeing