Recent Successes

Public Schools’ Championships
2024: Christie Team Trophy (Best U16 Boys’ Foil) Winners
Individual Silver in Girls’ Senior Epee
Individual Silver in Boys’ Mount Haes Foil
Individual Bronze in Boys’ Mount Haes Epee
2023: Individual Gold in Boys’ Senior Epee
Individual Gold in Boys’ Senior Epee
Individual Silver in Girls’ Senior Foil
2019: Individual Gold in Boys’ Mount-Haes Epee
Silver in Senior Boys’ Foil
Bronze in Senior Girls’ Epee
European Junior Championships
2022: Individual Silver in Junior (U20) Epee
Individual Bronze in Cadet (U17) Epee
British Schools Team Championships
U15 Boys’ Foil Champions
British Youth Championships
Individual Gold in Boys’ U14 Foil
2022: Individual Bronze in Men’s Epee
Commonwealth Championships
2022: Individual Gold in Junior (U20) Epee
Individual Gold in Cadet (U17) Epee
U20 National Championships
Individual Gold in Women’s Epee
Individual Bronze in Women’s Epee
2021: Individual Gold in Men’s’ Epee
U17 National Championships
Individual Bronze in Boy’s Epee
2023: Individual Gold in Girls’ Epee
2021: Individual Silver in Boys’ Epee

Fencing is a long-standing major Station at Westminster. It takes place in the main hall of the Sports Centre. With the help of two expert and high-level external coaches, pupils have the opportunity to learn all three weapons, the Épée, Foil and Sabre, thereby developing their coordination, skill, speed and general fitness. Around 45 to 50 pupils choose fencing Station each year.

During the Play and Lent Terms, pupils participate in matches against top fencing schools. The competitive season culminates in the Public Schools’ Championships, in which the School has a distinguished record of individual triumphs and team victories. Fencing Station continues into the Election Term, focusing upon individual development. During the year, the Station is complemented by the fencing Lower School Activity, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after school, for particularly keen and gifted fencers.

Westminster’s successful history of fencing is borne out by the fact that Great Britain’s only representative at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics was Old Westminster, Marcus Mepstead.

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