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“There is so much more knowledge to acquire” – A Level pupils set for uni following outstanding exam results
15 August 2024

Russell Group and Ivy League universities will welcome the Westminster Class of ’24 this autumn, as 58% of all A Level exams are graded A*.

Two months after Westminster’s 201 Remove pupils sat their A Level exams, results day proved a great reward for the hard work and dedication put into their academic studies over their time at school.

Westminster’s headline figures are once again outstanding, with an A*/A rate of 87%, with 58% of all grades being A*.

Behind the headlines there was much individual success, with 89 pupils earning at least three A*, 47 of whom achieved four A*, with five pupils gaining  five A* grades.

This year’s results mean the majority of Westminster pupils will now move up to the universities of their choice, with 38 institutions in the UK and North America so far set to welcome our newest Old Westminsters.

In the UK, 56 will head to Oxford, 30 to Cambridge, 23 to Imperial College, 22 to UCL, and ten each to Durham and Edinburgh. Across the Pond, Westminsters will enrol at 18 schools, including Ivy League UPenn, Columbia, Cornell, Yale and Brown, as well as Berkeley, Chicago, MIT, Stanford and UCLA .


A bubble chart of the universities Westminster School will attend in 2024

Courses are as varied as the universities, from Aeronautics to Veterinary Medicine, via engineering (22), modern languages (15), medicine (12), PPE (11), and Law (8), amongst dozens of others.

Head Master, Dr Gary Savage, said: “These results mark a truly fantastic end to these pupils’ time at Westminster, yet importantly open up great opportunities for the future, beginning at top universities across the UK and the world. There is so much more knowledge to acquire, and further learning to be done. The future for these hardworking and dedicated young men and women is really exciting. We are proud of each and every one of them.”

“I feel an enormous sense of pride in, and admiration for, our outstanding pupils, and for our excellent teaching and support staff who together have made these extraordinary individual achievements possible.”

Autumn 2024 marks the start of the most significant and exciting set of changes in the almost 500-year history of Westminster – the point at which registration opens for girls to join in every school year, at both Westminster School and Westminster Under School, from age four to 18.

SEPT 2024
4+, 7+ and 11+ registration open for girls and boys to Westminster Under School
OCT 2024
13+ registration opens for both girls and boys to Westminster School
SEPT 2026
Westminster Under School welcomes girls alongside boys for the first time, at 4+, 7+ and 11+
SEPT 2028
Westminster School welcomes non-sixth form girls for the first time, at 13+

Learn more about co-education at Westminster.

You can also register for a special 13+ Co-education Information Evening on Tuesday 24 September.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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Westminster School gratefully welcomes donations to support fundraising efforts across the School community.

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