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Lords Leader discusses challenges of moving laws through Parliament, in Westminster Locke Lecture
21 January 2022

The challenges faced by members of Parliament’s ‘Upper House’ have been discussed by the Leader of the House of Lords at Westminster School.

The Baroness Evans of Bowes Park spoke to pupils of Westminster, Harris Westminster Sixth Form and Greycoat Hospital School at the Locke Lecture in January. In her talk, Baroness Evans, a Conservative Cabinet member, talked about how she worked to deliver the government’s legislative priorities, ensuring the House of Commons’ agenda is satisfied whilst also scrutinising and refining each item. She then took questions from the floor, covering a wide range of the work of the House of Lords.

Westminster’s Horizons and John Lock Coordinator, Stephen Bailey said: “Baroness Evans was honest, challenging and direct as pupils’ questions probed her on the legitimacy of an unelected chamber, the reform of the Lords and whether greater academic presence in the House of Lords would offer new expertise.”

“At the end of the lecture, our pupils left impressed with her resonant desire to help young people consider the authentic vocation of public service that politics can embody.”

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